Oct. 5, 2018 – A Delaware County Grand Jury has returned an indictment against 38-year-old Dion Deon.


The indictment comes after a statewide Amber Alert that was issued on September 7, 2018 to locate Deon and her 9-year-old son.


“Law enforcement officials were contacted when Ms. Deon failed to return her son to his Delaware County residence following a prearranged visit,” said Delaware County Prosecutor Carol O’Brien. “An Amber Alert was issued with descriptions of Ms. Deon, her son, and the car they were driving. The alert stated that police had information indicating the child was at risk of serious physical harm while with the suspect.”


Deon was arrested on September 9, 2018 when the car she and her son were staying in was located at a park in Georgia. At that time, her son was taken into protective custody.


“Ms. Deon, also known as Verona Thomas, violated the terms of an order of protection by removing her son from Ohio.” O’Brien said. “Deon is now in the Delaware County Jail, where she awaits arraignment.”


Deon is charged with violating a protection order – a third-degree felony and interference with custody – a fifth-degree felony.