Dublin Man Indicted For Assaulting A Peace Officer

A Delaware County Grand Jury has returned an indictment against 33-year-old Kirk D. Barton.


Charges come after a June 1, 2018 incident at the Bogey Inn, in Dublin.


“The owner of the Bogey requested an intoxicated male patron be escorted out of the establishment,” said Delaware County Prosecutor Carol O’Brien. “The patron became uncooperative and slammed Deputy Andrew Lee’s arm in the door of a taxi as Deputy Lee attempted to secure safe transport for Mr. Barton.”


Barton is charged with one count of assault – a fourth-degree felony, and one count of obstructing official business – a fifth-degree felony.


Deputy Lee sustained bruising to his arm and a cut on his elbow. An arraignment date for Barton has not yet been set.