A Delaware County Grand Jury has returned an indictment against 35-year-old Jeffrey Michael Todd, of Powell.


Several motorists reported a male passed out at the wheel of a blue Chevrolet Cavalier at the corner of Southwind Drive and North Hampton Drive in Powell on June 23. Initial reports indicated the car was resting in the grass after jumping the curb. While en route, law enforcement was advised the man appeared to “come to,” and had driven the car to a nearby parking lot.

“On scene law enforcement observed a male huffing a can of duster in the driver’s seat,” said Delaware County Prosecutor Carol O’Brien. “His head was swaying back and forth, and when he exited the vehicle, he was unsteady on his feet and exhibited slurred speech.”

Duster is a can of compressed gasses manufactured to clean dust out of keyboards by blasting the gaps in keyboards where liquid cleaners cannot be used. This common household item can be damaging to the body when inhaled and can lead to addiction.

Todd is charged with operating a vehicle under the influence of alcohol or drugs – a fourth-degree felony that carries a repeat offender specification which requires mandatory prison if found guilty; He has five previous OVI convictions. Todd is also charged with driving under OVI suspension – a first-degree misdemeanor.


“The effects of driving under the influence can be devastating,” said O’Brien. “As we prepare to celebrate Independence Day, please make the responsible decision to never get behind the wheel impaired, to have a designated driver if needed, and if you see an impaired or distracted driver on the road, pull over to a safe place and report it by calling 1-800-GRAB-DUI or #677.”


An arraignment date for Todd is not yet set.