12.17.20 Prosecutor Schiffel is joined by her daughter, Perri, and husband, Nate, as she is sworn in as your Delaware County Prosecutor. Thanks, Judge Schuck, for doing the honors!
12.17.20 Prosecutor Schiffel is joined by her daughter, Perri, and husband, Nate, as she is sworn in as your Delaware County Prosecutor. Thanks, Judge Schuck, for doing the honors!
12.17.20 Prosecutor Schiffel is joined by her daughter, Perri, and husband, Nate, as she is sworn in as your Delaware County Prosecutor. Thanks, Judge Schuck, for doing the honors!
12.17.20 A special message of gratitude to all who voted!
Delaware County Prosecutor Melissa A. Schiffel
4.12.19 Former Delaware County Prosecutor Carol O’Brien swears in Newly-appointed Delaware County Prosecutor, Melissa A. Schiffel.
4.12.19 – Elected officials attend the swearing in of Prosecutor Schiffel.
4.12.19 – Prosecutor Schiffel swears in her staff.


1-5-24 Prosecutor Schiffel recognizes Assistant Prosecuting Attorney Matthew Lawson for his dedicated work to the victims in a recent house fire.

1-9-24 Auditor Keith Faber presents Prosecutor Schiffel with the Pubic Integrity Award.

1-11-24 Prosecutor Schiffel speaking at Willow Brook Christian Communities about our office, scams, and the justice system in general.

2-1-24 Victim Services Unit reminding teens that “Love is respect” for Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month.

2-13-24 Assistant Prosecuting Attorney Mark Fowler speaks to a Scouts BSA Troop to help them earn badges in their rank advancement.

3-13-24 Lee Ann Forgrave is sworn in as the newest assistant prosecuting attorney in our civil division.

3-31-24 Staff wearing orange to cheer on the Pacers!

3-28-24 Prosecutor Schiffel took her turn as a hostess for SourcePoint’s Cafe 55.

3-28-24 Celebrating our 1st quarter Top Cop, Officer McCoy.

1-11-23 – We wear blue to show our support in the fight against human trafficking.

1-26-23 The Delaware County Prosecutor’s Office hosts the Delaware County Sheriff’s Detectives for lunch.

1-30-23 Prosecutor Schiffel swears in Sayje Brown as our new special victims assistant prosecutor.

2-2-23 Our office wore read in support of National Wear Red Day for women’s heart health.

2-9-23 Prosecutor Schiffel participates in the Leadership Delaware Government Panel.

2-10-23 Proseuctor Schiffel participates in a panel at the OSU Journal of Criminal Law Symposium.

2-17-23 Prosecutor Schiffel swears in Kathryn Munger as an assistant prosecutor who will work primarily with appellate courts.

2-18-23 The office participated in Ohio Wesleyan University’s Bishop Backers Community Day.

3-1-23 The office wears blue for inclusion to help promote Developmental Disabilities Awareness Month.

3-15-23 Prosecutor Schiffel speaks at the Powell Citizens Police Academy Alumni Association.

3-22-23 Prosecutor Schiffel helps deliver Meals on Wheels to area seniors.

3-22-23 Prosecutor Schiffel helps deliver Meals on Wheels to area seniors.

3-23-23 Attendees at the first ever Law Enforcement Symposium hosted by the Delaware County Prosecutor’s Office

Prosecutor Schiffel recognizes Columbus City Police Officers as “Top Cops” for their heroism in the I-71 shooter case.

4-17-23 The Delaware County Commissioners proclaim April 23-29, 2023 as Victims Rights Week.

4-18-23 Prosecutor Schiffel and Director of Victim Services, Trish Wright, speak at the Genoa Township Police Academy.

4-24-23 Crime Victims’ Rights Week display on the historic courthouse lawn.

4-24-23 Prosecutor Schiffel did her part to help girls “rule their experiences” and spoke to the ROX (Ruling our Experiences) Group at Schultz Elementary.

4-27-23 Members of the office who have more than 5 years of service pose for a quick photo op.

4-29-23 Our office participated in the YMCA Healthy Kids Day.

5-3-23 Prosecutor Schiffel presented to Westerville Citizen’s Police Academy Alumni Association.

6-1-23 Prosecutor Schiffel spoke to the Powell Rotary Club.

6-5-23 Prosecutor Schiffel swears in our newest assistant prosecutor, Kenneth Sapp.

6-5-23 Prosecutor Schiffel presented to the Delaware Rotary Club.

6-7-23 Prosecutor Schiffel and Chief Criminal Prosecutor Mark Sleeper honor Chad Holcomb, from BCI, as our 2nd quarter “Top Cop.”

6-10-23 Our office hooped it up with the kids at Westerville’s Cops and Kids event!

6-22-23 Prosecutor Schiffel reads to kids at the Delaware County District Library’s during story time.

6-29-23 Prosecutor Schiffel reading again to the children at the Delaware County District Library’s Ostrander branch.

6-30-23 Prosecutor Schiffel participating in story time at the Delaware County District Library’s Delaware branch.

7-7-23 We “chalked it up” with all of Delaware at Mainstreet’s July First Friday.

7-7-23 Our legal interns took a field trip to visit the Ohio Supreme Court.

7-11-23 Prosecutor Schiffel, Sergeant Mead, and K9 Ace took Schiffel’s Safety Scholars to the Sunbury Community Library.

7-12-23 The Delaware County Prosecutor’s Office did our part for the EMA’s annual countywide fan drive.

7-12-23 Prosecutor Schiffel spoke with high schoolers in the summer career pathway program at PASS (Prevention Awareness Support Service).

7-13-23 Prosecutor Schiffel enjoyed reading to the children at Wornstaff Library in Ashley.

7-14-23 Prosecutor Schiffel swears in our newest Assistant Prosecutor John McGahee, Jr.

7-17-23 Prosecutor Schiffel and her friend Poppy the therapy pony spent an afternoon outside reading with the kids at Unity Community Center.

7-20-23 Prosecutor Schiffel enjoyed her time with the Noon Kiwanis Club today at Old Bag of Nails.

7-25-23 Prosecutor Schiffel participates in story time at the Powell Branch of the Delaware County District Library.

7-25-23 “Whit’s Day” benefitting Volley Against Violence.

8-1-23 Celebrating with our community friends at Genoa Township’s National Night Out.

8-3-23 Sharing Schiffel’s Safety Scholars and reading with the kids at Woodward’s SACC.

8-4-23 Walking a mile in her shoes to raise awareness for sexualized violence against women.

8-12-23 Berlin Township Touch-a-Truck

8-19-23 Shawnee Hills Safety Day

8-30-23 Assistant Prosecutor Beth Matune at WDLR after discussing juvenile court procedures.

8-31-23 Having a great time with our friends at the Delaware County Board of Developmental Disabilities Block Party.

9-5-23 Prosecutor Schiffel presenting at New Hope Church on internet safety.

9-12-23 Another internet safety presentation by Prosecutor Schiffel at Faith Life Academy in Powell.

9-14-23 Prosecutor Schiffel presenting at the OhioHealth Forensic Symposium.

9-16-23 Manning our booth at the Delaware County Fair.

9-24-23 Prosecutor Schiffel presents at Harlem Road Church on internet dangers and safety.

9-25-23 Prosecutor Schiffel speaking with local members of Philanthropic Educational Organization (PEO).

9-30-23 Having lots of fun with the community at Orange Township’s first ever Founder’s Festival.

10-5-23 Prosecutor Schiffel supporting Governor DeWine’s Distracted Driving media event at Tanger Outlets.

10-5-23 Dropping off donations collected by our office for United Way’s Kay’s Shop.

10-9-23 Jaison Kridler is awarded 3rd quarter Top Cop honors.

10-11-23 Schiffel’s Safety Scholars You Be the Author book signing event at Beanbag Books.

10-14-23 The Prosecutor Team (Vol and Order) representing at Volley Against Violence.

10-22-23 Passing out treat bags during Powell’s Candy by the Carload.

10-28-23 Assistant Prosecutor Tony Stocco and his son manning our table at Genoa Township’s Trick or Treat Village.

10-31-23 Happy Halloween!

11-3-23 Prosecutor Schiffel speaks on crime in growing communities at the Sunbury/Big Walnut Chamber.

11-16-23 Elected officials and members of county agencies participated in our Civil Division’s Township and Sunshine Law Training.

11-17-23 Delaware Christian Schools invited our office to enjoy Thanksgiving dinner provided by them.

11-20-23 Honoring Deputy Cox and Therapy Dog Otto as the 4th Quarter Top Cops.

12-8-22 – Support Staff Christmas Celebration

12-6-22 – The winners of Schiffel’s Safety Scholars Book Writing Contest enjoy a book signing just for them at Beanbag Books.

12-5-22 – Prosecutor Schiffel speaks about human trafficking to students at Ohio Wesleyan University.

12-4-22 – Main Street Delaware’s Holiday Parade

12-5-22 – The office enjoys celebrating together and with our loved ones at the annual office Christmas party!

12-1-22 – Civil Training held for the county’s township officials.

11-28-22 – Deputy Flahive is recognized as this quarter’s Top Cop!

11-17-22 – Prosecutor Schiffel honors lives lost on Delaware County roadways during the SAFE Remembers Wreath Ceremony.

11-15-22 – Eliza Bauler-O’Grady gets sworn in by Prosecutor Schiffel.

11-15-22 – Matthew Lawson is sworn in by Prosecutor Schiffel.

11-14-22 – Right after being sworn in at the Supreme Court of Ohio.

11-2-22 – Collecting snuggles from Otto, Delaware County Sheriff’s Department Therapy Dog.

11-2-22 – The winner of our Halloween drug free pledge and his big brother.

10-29-22 – At Genoa Township’s Trick or Treat Village.

10-27-22 – Attending the Ohio Prosecuting Attorneys Association Administrative Professionals Training.

10-23-22 – Powell Candy by the Carload.

10-22-22 – Mingo Trails and Treats

10-20-22 – Wear Purple for Domestic Violence Awareness Day.

10-20-22 – Ohio Department of Rehabilitation and Correction Victim Coordinator Training.

10-12-22 – National Walk to School Day

10-10-22 – Commissioners’ Session Declaring October Domestic Violence Awareness Month.

10-7-22 – Prosecutor Schiffel and Assistant Prosecutor Thompson with October’s Top Cop recipients.

10-1-22 – Prosecutor Schiffel and Turning Point Director Amber Scott with the Volley Against Violence champions, The B-Team!

9-17-22 – At City of Powell’s Mystery Night Out.

9-20-22 – Delaware County Youth vowing to “Bee Drug Free” at the Delaware County Fair.

9-17-22 – At the Delaware County Fair.

9-15-22 – Visiting their alma mater of Ohio Northern College of Law.

9-1-22 – At the Delaware County Board of Developmental Disabilities Block Party.

8-31-22 – Social Media Training for all county and township officials.

8-26-22 – Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over Kickoff

8-24-22 – Attending the State Personnel Board of Review Training

8-13-22 Enjoying the beautiful day at the Berlin Township Touch-A-Truck.

8-11-22 – Whit’s Fundraising Day to help raise funds for Turning Point through the Volley Against Violence Tournament.

8-8-22 – Dropping off some necessities to People In Need.

8-5-22 – Walk-a-Mile in Her Shoes

7-27-22 – Wrapping up this year’s summer reading program with the Delaware County District Library’s Main Branch.

7-25-22 – Summer reading with the kids of Unity Community Center.

7-14-22 – Reading with the summer readers at Wornstaff Memorial Library in Ashley.

7-11-22 – With the Teen Driving Challenge Winners. Prosecutor Schiffel sponsored $100 gas cards for each winner!

7-8-22 – Prosecutor Schiffel swore in Ashlee Buxton, one of our legal interns, after she received her legal intern certificate!

6-27-22 – At the Sunbury Community Library, along with Sunbury Police Department Sgt. Mead and K-9 Officer Ace, Big Walnut School Resource Officer Justin Whiteside, and Officer Ebright.

6-17-22 – Prosecutor Schiffel reading to the children during summer reading at the Delaware County District Library’s Powell Branch.

6-16-22 – Prosecutor Schiffel reading to the summer reading group at the Delaware County District Library’s Ostrander Branch.

Assistant Prosecuting Attorneys Mark Fowler and Evan Joseph enjoyed an exciting trip with our current office interns last week to watch Chief Criminal Assistant Prosecuting Attorney Mark Sleeper argue in The Ohio State Supreme Court. Additionally, they had a special visit with Senator Andrew Brenner and received a tour of the Ohio Statehouse and Ohio Senate Chambers.

6-13-22 – Prosecutor Schiffel swears in new Assistant Prosecuting Attorney Adam Meigs. Adam will be serving in our Criminal Division.

6-12-22 – Participating in the Shawnee Hills Police Safety Day.

6-11-22 – At the Delaware EMS Touch-A-Truck event.

6-9-22 – Prosecutor Schiffel reading to the summer reading group at the Delaware County District Library’s Orange Branch.

6-9-22 – Prosecutor Schiffel speaking at the Olentangy Rotary Club meeting.

6-2-22 – Dropping off fans for the 2022 EMS fan drive.

5-20-22 – Prosecutor Schiffel with Tammy Bellios Penter at the 2022 Click It or Ticket Kick Off Event.

5-15-22 – Participating in the Light Ohio Blue campaign to show support to the law enforcement personnel who protect our communities, and a way to honor and pay respect to the officers who have paid the ultimate sacrifice.

5-13-22 – Stockhands Horses for Healing

5-6-22 – Walk-A-Mile in Her Shoes was postponed until August due to weather, but we still had a fun little parade around the building!

Our Victim Services Director, Trish, speaking about our upcoming Walk-A-Mile in Her Shoes event on WDLR

4-30-22 – Celebrating with Delaware County at the YMCA Healthy Kids Day and 10 Year Anniversary.

4-26-22 – Delaware County Commissioners declare April 24-April 30 National Victims Rights week in Delaware County.

4-25-22 – Honoring Delaware County victims and survivors during Victims Rights Week.

4-20-22 – Prosecutor Schiffel welcomes Public Defender Carlos Crawford.

3-31-22 – Prosecutor Schiffel (with Assistant Prosecutor Chris Ballard) recognizing ODNR Officer Heidi Hayes as a Top Cop.

3-29-22 – Coco needed a babysitter for the day…so of course the Delaware County Prosecutor’s Office stepped up!

3-17-22 – Celebrating St. Patrick’s Day with an office breakfast potluck.

2-25-22 – The staff participates in the Red Cross Blood Drive.

2-14-22 – Enjoying a visit from Poppy, the Sheriff’s Office’s therapy pony.

2-10-22 – Prosecutor Schiffel at Leadership Delaware.

2-8-22 – Wearing our orange in support of Teen Dating Violence Awareness Day.

2-16-22 – The office participates in Prosecutor Olympic Winter Games!

1-11-22 – The office wears blue in support or National Human Trafficking Awareness Day.

1-12-22 – We welcome Joy Litchfield-Stacy as the newest Paralegal in the office. Joy will serve in the Juvenile Division.


12-29-21 – Daniel Cogley is sworn in as the newest Assistant Prosecuting Attorney in our Criminal Division.

12-20-21 – Officers Jon Weirich and Eric Leasure (with Prosecutor Schiffel and Captain Moore) are honored by Prosecutor Schiffel as Top Cops!

12-16/17-21 – At the OPAA’s annual conference.

12-11-21 – Jennifer, Eric, and Evan (hiding in the back!) packing food at People In Need.

12-5-21 – Annual Holiday Parade hosted by Main Street Delaware.

12-4-21 – Delaware County Township Officials annual training.

10.27.21 – Welcome Anujanaa M. Baskaranathan! Anujanaa will serve as an assistant prosecutor in our Juvenile Division.

10.24.21 – Powell Candy-by-the-carload event

10.4.21 – “Love Shouldn’t Hurt” (Recognizing October as Domestic Violence Awareness Month)

10.4.21 – Delaware County Commissioners proclaim it to be Domestic Violence Awareness Month in Delaware County.

2021 Fair Fun!

2021 Fair Fun!

9.20.21 – We recognize Delaware County Sheriff Deputy Taylor Close as a Top Cop. We appreciate you!!!

9.11.21 – The first ever “Volley Against Violence,” a sand volleyball tournament to raise awareness and funds for Turning Point.

9.9.21 – Prosecutor Schiffel speaks at a Genoa Township Business Association meeting. If you’re interested in someone from our office speaking at your event, call (740) 833-2755.

8.27.21 – Taking part in the “Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over” event through the SAFE Coalition (Safety Awareness for Everyone).

8.21.21 – Unity Community Festival in full swing!

8.9.21 – Welcome, Laura Kent – the newest Assistant Prosecutor to join the team!

8.9.21 – Welcome, Evan Joseph – the newest Assistant Prosecutor to join the team!

8.7.21 – Having a great time at the Berlin Township Touch-A-Truck!

8.6.21 – First Friday Fun – a nod to law enforcement!

8.4.21 – Chief Criminal Assistant Prosecutor Mark Sleeper speaks to seniors about scams. Thanks for SourcePoint for the invitation to speak!

8.3.21 – Yum! Thanks to Whit’s for participating in a delicious fundraiser for Turning Point!

8.2.21 – Having fun at Powell’s Mystery Night Out

7.30.21 – Proud to once again help with yet another Supplies for Scholars event through United Way!

7.29.21 – One year ago this week, a jury found Brandon Ivy guilty of taking the life of Stephanie Hunter.
We remember and honor Stephanie. She was a bright light – a daughter, a mother. She cared about helping everyone, and she is forever missed.
Ivy will spend the rest of his life behind bars for his heinous crime. No one deserves to live in fear. No one deserves to be a victim of domestic violence.

7.7.21 – Donating fans to benefit PIN via the Delaware County EMA annual fan drive!

7.3.21 – Having fun at the Sunbury Independence Day Parade!

7.3.21 – Having fun at the Sunbury Independence Day Parade!

7.3.21 – Having fun at the Sunbury Independence Day Parade!

7.3.21 – Having fun at the Sunbury Independence Day Parade!

7.3.21 – Having fun at the Sunbury Independence Day Parade!

7.3.21 – Having fun at the Delaware Independence Day Parade!

June 29, 2021 – Our office recognizes Charles Carlson as a “Top Cop.” Charles spent 28 years as a law enforcement officer before joining the Coroner’s Office in 2019. He brought all that experience and enthusiasm to the job, and has quickly become an invaluable part of our team. Way to go!

June 28, 2021- Prosecutor Schiffel joins folks from the library for their “Off the Shelf” radio program to talk about our partnership with the library’s summer reading program.

June 10, 2021 – Welcome, Lexi! Lexi is interning with us for the summer. She will be a junior at Delaware Hayes next year! Glad to have you, Lexi!

June 5, 2021 – Our office attended a reverse parade at Buckeye Valley High School. Organized by Delaware County EMS, the event also served as a food collection point to benefit PIN!

May 25, 2021 – Welcome Melanie King! Serving as a paralegal, Melanie will work primarily with our Civil Division.

May 7, 2021 – We “Walk A Moment” to raise awareness about abuse. Everyone deserves to be in a healthy relationship!

May 7, 2021 – We “Walk A Moment” to raise awareness about abuse. Everyone deserves to be in a healthy relationship!

May 7, 2021 – We “Walk A Moment” to raise awareness about abuse. Everyone deserves to be in a healthy relationship!

May 7, 2021 – We “Walk A Moment” to raise awareness about abuse. Everyone deserves to be in a healthy relationship!

May 7, 2021 – We “Walk A Moment” to raise awareness about abuse. Everyone deserves to be in a healthy relationship!

May 7, 2021 – We “Walk A Moment” to raise awareness about abuse. Everyone deserves to be in a healthy relationship!

May 5, 2021 – Prosecutor Schiffel reads to baby chicks, making a video in preparation for a summer reading partnership with the Delaware County District Library.

April 19, 2021 – Local advocates put up a display to honor victims during National Crime Victims’ Rights Week in Delaware County.

April 19, 2021 – Prosecutor Schiffel and local victim advocates attend a commissioner session where Delaware County Commissioners recognize National Crime Victims’ Rights Week on a local level.

April 14, 2021 – We are wearing blue to raise awareness about child abuse prevention.

3.26.21 – Prosecutor Schiffel recognizes DCSO Detective Rashad Pitts as a “Top Cop.” We appreciate you, Detective Pitts! Way to go!

3.1.21 – Prosecutor Schiffel welcomes John Cornely, Delaware County’s first public defender.

2.2.21 – Assistant Prosecutor Megan Hammond (far right) serves as a coach for the Buckeye Valley Mock Trial Team.

2.1.21 – Prosecutor Schiffel swears in the newest member of our team, Cory Goe.
It might be a little difficult to tell because of the mask, but Cory is a familiar face who is returning to our Criminal Division after being gone for a couple years. Welcome back, Cory!

1.21.21 – Our office made valentines for troops. Laura Slider, our office clerk, is sending the well wishes all the way to MCAS Iwakuni, where her son, Robert Slider, will pass them out to all the marines in his division! Thanks, Laura, and thanks to all our troops!

1.18.21 – Prosecutor Schiffel swears in Beau Euton as a Delaware Township Trustee. Congratulations, Beau!
12.18.20 – Our office gets crafty and makes inspirational ornaments and holiday cards for area senior citizens!
12.17.20 – Prosecutor Schiffel is joined by her daughter, Perri, and husband, Nate, as she is sworn in as your Delaware County Prosecutor. Thanks, Judge Schuck, for doing the honors!
12.17.20 – Prosecutor Schiffel is joined by her daughter, Perri, and husband, Nate, as she is sworn in as your Delaware County Prosecutor. Thanks, Judge Schuck, for doing the honors!
12.11.20 – Our office is proud to recognize Westerville Detective Steven Grubbs as a “Top Cop.” Thank you, Detective Grubbs, for all you do!
11.24.20 – Prosecutor Schiffel takes part in the annual “Fight Against Hunger Games.” She, along with many community volunteers, delivered pre-packed meals to residents who drove up to receive food assistance this holiday.
11.11.20 – Delaware County Assistant Prosecutor Joe Varvel, a veteran himself, lays a wreath during the county’s Veterans Day ceremony.
11.3.20 – Prosecutor Schiffel presents a donation check to Olentangy Berkshire MS students for their Red Ribbon Week activities.
10.27.20 – We recognize DCSO Deputy Aaron Siegel as a Top Cop. We appreciate you!
10.27.20 – We recognize DCSO Detective Rusty Yates as a Top Cop. We appreciate you!
10.27.20 – We recognize DCSO Deputy Maxwell Newman as a Top Cop. We appreciate you!
10.27.20 – We recognize DCSO Deputy Andrew Lee as a Top Cop. We appreciate you!
10.27.20 – We recognize Powell Police Detective Darren Smith as a Top Cop. We appreciate you!
10.25.20 – Attending Powell’s Candy by the Carload event
10.22.20 – It was an honor to donate cat and kitten supplies to Turning Point in honor of Stephanie Hunter, who died as a result of domestic violence. Stephanie’s mother Carolyn, who visited Turning Point with us, let us know of Stephanie’s love of animals, especially cats.
10.1.20 – Local advocates stand in front of a Love Shouldn’t Hurt banner after receiving an official proclamation from the Delaware County Commissioners recognizing October as Domestic Violence Awareness Month.
9.3.20 – Prosecutor Schiffel presents a certificate of commendation to Powell Police recognizing their dedication to helping domestic violence victims, and their professionalism and expertise in protecting and serving the community.
8.18.20 -Today marks the 100-year anniversary of Women’s Right to Vote. Many women throughout the years, and continuing to this day, serve our community in key elected roles. Pictured from left to right: Delaware County Commissioner Barb Lewis, Board of Elections Director Karla Herron, Municipal Court Clerk of Court Cindy Dinovo, Delaware County Recorder Melissa Jordan, Delaware County Prosecutor Melissa Schiffel, Municipal Court Judge Marianne Hemmeter, and Delaware County Clerk of Courts Natalie Fravel.
8.17.20 – Prosecutor Schiffel and Assistant Prosecutor Elizabeth Matune attended a Liberty Township Trustee Meeting to honor Liberty Township EMS for their efforts to bring homicide victim, Stephanie Hunter, back to life.
8.3.20 – Prosecutor Schiffel presents EMA Deputy Director Sandy Mackey with fans donated by our office for this year’s fan drive in Delaware County.
7.23.20 – We are adhering to the statewide order to wear masks due to Covid-19.
6.30.20 – We recognize Delaware City Police Detective Sean Franks as a Top Cop! We appreciate you!
6.11.20 – A procession before the memorial to honor our late colleague, retired DCSO Deputy Jim Miller. Miller was a familiar face to many, and a friend to even more. He faithfully served the citizens of Delaware County for 30 years.
5.7.20 – Prosecutor Schiffel joins Ohio Attorney General Dave Yost and Sheriff Martin in making a donation to Turning Point.
4.19.20 – Prosecutor Schiffel addresses Delaware County Commissioners, speaking about Victim Rights in Delaware County.
4.19.20 – Prosecutor Schiffel and Victim Services Unit Director Trish Wright hold the Delaware County Commissioners proclamation recognizing Victim Rights Week in Delaware County.
3.6.20 – Randy Pohl from the Delaware County Sheriff’s Office is recognized as a Top Cop. We appreciate you!
2.24.20 – Elected officials attended this year’s State of the County event.
2.14.20 – Happy Valentine’s Day!
This year our staff made a few valentines to send to our troops (as seen in the picture with Prosecutor Schiffel). We included personal messages of gratitude and support. Thank you for all you do!
2.13.20 – DACC digital design students present their video project on human trafficking to the Delaware County Against Human Trafficking Coalition, of which, our office is a member. Great job, students!
2.11.20 – We are wearing orange to highlight Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month. Love is respect!
2.10.20 – Assistant Prosecutors Megan Hammond and Eric Penkal served as legal advisors to this year’s Buckeye Valley Local Schools Mock Trial team.
1.28.20 – Franklin, a therapy K9, visited our office to support our human trafficking toiletry collection. What a nice doggie!
1.17.20 – Several members of our office took part in a legal exercise, helping students from Dublin Jerome and Westerville Central learn about the law during a mock trial in a Delaware County courtroom.
1.13.20 – Prosecutor Schiffel swears in the newest member of our team, Assistant Prosecutor Jaqueline J. Rapier.
1.11.20 – Our Victim Services Unit attends the inaugural Human Trafficking Conference organized by the Ohio Attorney General’s Office.
1.10.20 – January is Human Trafficking Awareness Month. The National Human Trafficking Hotline is 1-888-373-7888.
1.9.20 – We are wearing blue in recognition of Law Enforcement Appreciation Day! THANK YOU to all our Delaware County law enforcement partners. We appreciate your dedication, hard work, and service to community!

12.23.19 – Happy Holidays!
12.10.19 – Prosecutor Schiffel gathers the office donations for Turning Point’s Adopt-A-Family program for the holidays. Thank you Turning Point, for all you do!
12.9.19 – Prosecutor Schiffel swears Mark Sleeper in as our new Chief Criminal Assistant Prosecutor.
12.9.19 – Chief Criminal Assistant Prosecutor Mark Sleeper presents to Olentangy Liberty’s College Survival Class. Topics covered included the law, consent, personal safety and responsibility, social media use and more.
12.7.19 – Our Victim Services gets ready to walk in Delaware’s annual holiday parade. A big thank you to Byers for loaning us the black truck parade vehicle!
12.4.19 – We gather all our blankets collected for human trafficking survivors. They will be gifted those those in need this holiday season with a personal note of encouragement on each one.
11.25.19 – After being sworn in, Delaware County elected officials gather around to congratulate Delaware County Auditor Michael Ringle.
11.21.19 – Our office partners with the SAFE coalition (safety awareness for everyone) and the Ohio State Highway Patrol to put up a display to honor those teens whose lives were lost in crashes.
11.21.19 Prosecutor Schiffel speaks with Buckeye Valley students, helping them with a special podcast project relating to the law.
11.19.19 – Prosecutor Schiffel shares testifying tips to those county workers who may be called to the stand.
11.16.19 – Chief of our Civil Department, Chris Betts presents at this year’s township training.
11.8.19 – Assistant Prosecutor Joe Varvel stops by a special event set up by Prosecutor Schiffel to recognize county employees who are also veterans. Thank you for your service.
11.7.19 – Prosecutor Schiffel presents to Powell law enforcement on the ever-evolving world of legal updates.
October 2019 – Assistant Prosecutors Douglas Dumolt and Kimberly Burroughs attend a hearing at the Ohio Supreme Court, continuing to fight for Delaware County when cases are appealed.
10.29.19 – Prosecutor Schiffel joins Judge Hejmanowski in judging door decorations at the Delaware County Board of Developmental Disabilities – boo!
10.26.19 – Prosecutor Schiffel hands out candy at the Powell candy by the carload event.
10.26.19 – Victim Services Director Trish Wright hands out candy at the Mingo trunk-or-treat event in Delaware.
10.25.19 – Assistant Prosecutor Vince Villio was just one of our staffers to head to Turning Point for their make a difference clean up day. Glad to help out!
10.25.19 – Prosecutor Schiffel joins others at Olentangy Liberty High School to support a safe driver teen event.
10.22.19 – Prosecutor Schiffel, Assistant Prosecutor, and Sheriff Russ Martin talk about domestic violence at WDLR.
10.15.19 – Prosecutor Schiffel speaks to the Olentangy Lyons group.
10.1.19 – We are wearing purple to highlight October as Domestic Violence Awareness Month.
September 2019 – Prosecutor Schiffel swears in the newest member of our team, Assistant Prosecutor Tyler Lane.
September 2019 – Prosecutor Schiffel swears in the newest member of our team, Assistant Prosecutor Megan Hammond.
September 2019 – Children visit our 2019 fair booth!
September 2019 – Prosecutor Schiffel and Julie Koch sit in our Delaware County Fair booth.
9.23.19 – Prosecutor Schiffel swears in the newest member of the office, Assistant Prosecutor Beth Matune.
9.18.19 – Prosecutor Schiffel speaks to the Sexual Assault Response Team, a group comprised of representatives from law enforcement, HelpLine, DCJFS, and the Ohio Crime Victim Justice Center. SART meets routinely to discuss best practices.
8.29.19 – Having fun at the Delaware County Board of Developmental Disabilities Block Party
8.29.19 – Having fun at the Delaware County Board of Developmental Disabilities Block Party
8.20.19 – Welcome, Chris! Prosecutor Schiffel swears in our newest Assistant Prosecutor.
8.17.19 – Shawnee Hills Community Safety Day
8.15.19 – Prosecutor Schiffel joins law enforcement for the Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over campaign.
8.10.19 – Touch-A-Truck
8.7.19 – Powell’s Mystery Night Out
8.6.19 – Genoa Township’s National Night Out Event
8.2.19 – Welcome Natalia! Natalia Harris is the new City of Delaware Chief Prosecutor.
8.2.19 – 2019 Cops-and-Shops First Friday event
7.26.19 – Supplies for scholars 2019
7.25.19 – Prosecutor Schiffel speaking at a Delaware Kiwanis meeting
7.13.19 – Prosecutor Schiffel and Assistant Prosecutor Chris Betts volunteer at the 2019 BIA Parade of Homes, benefitting Habitat for Humanity.
7.4.19 – July 4, 2019 Delaware Parade
7.4.19 – July 4, 2019 Delaware Parade
7.4.19 – July 4, 2019 Delaware Parade
7.4.19 – July 4, 2019 Delaware Parade
6.20.19 – Prosecutor Schiffel is joined on the elder abuse panel by fellow speakers, Kelli Perk from the Cuyahoga County Prosecutor’s Office and Jeff Blake from the Franklin County Prosecutor’s Office.
6.21.19 – Prosecutor Schiffel speaks as part of a panel at an elder abuse conference co-sponsored by the Central Ohio Area Agency on Aging, the Franklin County Office on Aging, and the Department of Commerce – Division of Securities.
6.20.19 – Delaware City Police Detective Nicholas Strasser is recognized as a Top Cop by Prosecutor Melissa Schiffel.
6.15.19 – Prosecutor Schiffel serves as keynote speaker for the 2019 Girls Supporting Girls Conference aimed at boosting self esteem and goal setting.
6.15.19 – Prosecutor Schiffel serves as keynote speaker for the 2019 Girls Supporting Girls Conference aimed at boosting self esteem and goal setting.
6.8.19 – Elliott visits the office to pick up the bear he won by visiting our table at the Ostrander Touch-A-Truck.
6.8.19 – Ostrander Touch-A-Truck
6.8.19 – Ostrander Touch-A-Truck
6.3.19 – Prosecutor Schiffel speaks at Delaware Rotary.
6.3.19 – Delaware County Commissioner Gary Merrill introduces Prosecutor Melissa Schiffel as special speaker for the Delaware Rotary.
5.27.19 – Memorial Day Parade, Powell
5.27.19 – Memorial Day Parade, Powell
5.27.19 – Memorial Day Parade, Powell
5.10.19 – Best wishes, Powell Police Chief Gary Vest, on your retirement!
5.6.19 – Thank you Powell City Council! It was a pleasure to meet you all at last night’s meeting.
5.3.19 – Prosecutor Schiffel and Director of Victim Services, Trish Wright joined Delaware City Police Captain Adam Moore and Lee Yoakum and Darren Schulman from the city of Delaware on the radio to talk about tonite’s Walk-A-Mile-In-Her-Shoes event.
5.1.19 – Good to meet you! Prosecutor Schiffel, along with her Civil Department, met up with many township officials at a recent meet-and-greet reception.
4.25.19 – Take Your Child To Work Day
Welcome Lydia and Mary, daughters of Civil Assistant Prosecutor, Mark!
4.25.19 – Take Your Child To Work Day
Welcome Emma, daughter of Executive Administrator, Nicole!
4.25.19 – Take Your Child To Work Day
Welcome Rose, daughter of Criminal Assistant Prosecutor, Ryan!
4.25.19 – Take Your Child To Work Day
Welcome Maggie, niece of our Civil Protection Order Specialist, Penny!
4.24.19 – promoting the 2019 Walk-A-Mile-In-Her-Shoes event at the Sunbury Chamber Expo
4.20.19 – Delaware YMCA Easter Family Event. Prosecutor Schiffel’s husband, Nate, is trying on shoes for the upcoming Walk-A-Mile-In-Her-Shoes event.
4.20.19 – Delaware YMCA Easter Family Event
4.20.19 – Delaware YMCA Easter Family Event
4.20.19 – Delaware YMCA Easter Family Event
4.20.19 – Delaware YMCA Easter Family Event
4.20.19 – Delaware YMCA Easter Family Event
4.18.19 – Thanks for stopping by!
Auditor of State, Keith Faber, along with Director of Security, Ty Walker and Policy Advisor Blaine Kelly came by to welcome Prosecutor Schiffel to her new post.
4.17.19 – It’s Abby’s last day of interning in our office. Good luck, Abby!
4.16.19 – Prosecutor Schiffel speaks with a member of ThisWeek News about being named Delaware County Prosecutor.
4.15.19 – Prosecutor Schiffel speaks with a member of the Delaware Gazette about being named Delaware County Prosecutor.
4.12.19 – Elected officials gather to welcome Prosecutor Schiffel at her swearing in.
4.12.19 – Newly-appointed Delaware County Prosecutor, Melissa A. Schiffel, swears in her staff.
4.12.19 – Melissa A. Schiffel is sworn in as the newly-appointed Delaware County Prosecutor.
4.11.19 – It is National Crime Victims’ Rights week. To recognize our local victim advocate services and to honor all victims in Delaware County, we have assembled a display in front of the Commissioner Building.
3.20.19 – Acting Prosecutor Chris Betts sits down with Bob Anderson, Director of Delaware County Job and Family Services to talk about how county agencies work together to offer services to our elderly population. Special thanks to WDLR radio for taping the podcast.
3.18.19 – Woodward Elementary School Hour to Empower… Acting Prosecutor Betts and First Assistant Kyle Rohrer join other male role models and community partners to greet students as they head to school
3.17.19 – Happy and Safe St. Patrick’s Day
3.12.19 – Big Walnut Career Day… First Assistant Kyle Rohrer shares his experience working as a prosecutor
3.5.19 – Meals on Wheels… Acting Prosecutor Betts and First Assistant Prosecutor Kyle Rohrer join others for a special Meals on Wheels delivery day that involves community partners
3.1.19 – Christopher D. Betts is sworn in as the Acting Prosecutor
2.28.19 – Prosecutor Carol O’Brien’s last day serving as Prosecutor
2.27.19 – Radio spot… Prosecutor O’Brien and Sheriff Martin discuss the teen safe driving portal with Jackie Bain from the Delaware General Health District
2.26.19 – Top Cop… Delaware County Sheriff’s Detective Chad Sloan is recognized as a Top Cop. We appreciate you!
2.16.19 – OWU Community Day… First Assistant Prosecutor Kyle Rohrer
2.9.19 – Love is Respect… wearing orange to recognize February as Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month
2.8.19 – Radio interview highlighting human trafficking… Done with Prosecutor O’Brien, Sheriff Martin, and United Way’s Brandon Feller
1.29.19 – Wearing blue to recognize January as Human Trafficking Awareness Month
1.22.19 – Launching student portal initiative for safe driving for teens county-wide
1.18.19 – Teaching our youth… office participates in mock trial learning exercise
1.17.19 – Donating to the Youth to Youth Program… sending area students to a drug education and leadership camp
1.3.19 – Welcome Payton Thompson… Assistant Prosecutor, Juvenile Division

Candy-by-the-Carload in Powell
Minho Trunk-or-Treat in Delaware
Genoa Township Trick-or-Treat Village
Delaware City Police Detective Dan Madden, Delaware Police Officer Brett Simon, and SARN Nurse Amy Zoller are recognized as “Top Cops” by the Delaware County Prosecutor’s Office.
We appreciate you!
October 2018
National Domestic Violence Awareness Month
Assistant Prosecutor Andrew King holds his “Community Service Award for Attorneys 40 & Under.” The award, presented by the Ohio State Bar Foundation is presented to attorneys, 40 years of age or younger, who contribute substantial time and effort in service to their community.
Delaware County elected officials speak out against Issue 1.
Delaware County elected officials speak out against Issue 1.
Swearing in our newest assistant prosecutor, J. Hawken Flanagan.
2018 Cops-N-Kids
2018 Cops-N-Kids
2018 Cops-N-Kids
2018 Delaware County Fair
2018 Delaware County Fair
2018 Delaware County Fair
Congratulations Trish Wright (in the black and white striped dress) on your “Advocate of the Year Award!” Trish is our Director of Victim Services.
From Left to Right: Dir. of Victim Services Unit, Trish Wright and Delaware County Prosecutor Carol O’Brien speak with WDLR’s Michelle Gatchell about domestic violence and Issue 1
Swearing in our newest assistant prosecutor, Joel Walker
Swearing in our newest assistant prosecutor, Ryan Stickel
Presenting “My Lifelong Journey Into Law” to the Greif Women’s Network
Mystery Night Out in Powell
Mystery Night Out in Powell
Mystery Night Out in Powell
Ethan, an Olentangy Liberty student, shadowed First Assistant Prosecutor Kyle Rohrer as he completed a change of plea hearing in court.
Berlin Township Touch-A-Truck
Berlin Township Touch-A-Truck
Attending the Cops-N-Shops First Friday in Delaware
Attending the Cops-N-Shops First Friday in Delaware
Volunteering at the 2018 Supplies for Scholars
Volunteering at the 2018 Supplies for Scholars
Volunteering at the 2018 Supplies for Scholars
Attending the “Block Party” event for the Delaware County Board of Developmental Disabilities in Powell
Attending the Oath of Office for Chief Kovach who was appointed to serve as the new Chief of the B.S.T.&G Fire District
Attending the Oath of Office for Chief Kovach who was appointed to serve as the new Chief of the B.S.T.&G Fire District
Speaking at the Olentangy Rotary Club meeting
July 4 Parade, Delaware
July 4 Parade, Delaware
Attending the ribbon cutting for the new South Office at Polaris for SourcePoint
Speaking at an Ohio Ex-Offender Reentry Coalition quarterly meeting held at the Powell United Methodist Church
Swearing in Bob Peterson, our new investigator
Presenting little Mackenzie with her prize, a stuffed Dumbo she entered to win when she visited our booth at a local event
Ostrander Touch-A-Truck
Participating in “Stepping Up,” a national initiative to reduce the number of people with mental illnesses in jails
Discovery Day at General Rosecrans Elementary in Sunbury – talking about the law!
Taking part in “Kids Day America” in Delaware
Visiting with a Delaware Hayes student shadowing in the office for the day
Visiting Olentangy Orange High School
Participating in the Delaware General Health District’s senior health fair at Mingo Park
Speaking with students at Schultz Elementary during their career day activity
Participating in Walk-A-Mile-In-Her-Shoes – an event to raise awareness about sexualized violence toward women and promoting healthy relationships for all
Participating in “Healthy Kids Day” at the Delaware YMCA
Talking about the upcoming Walk-A-Mile-In-Her-Shoes event on WDLR radio
Recognized by the Ohio Women’s Bar Association with the “Family Friendly Award”
Welcoming some special visitors for “Take Your Child to Work Day”
Speaking to folks at Willow Brook about scams
Speaking to folks at Willow Brook about scams
Delaware County Commissioners issue a proclamation that is is Victim Rights Week in Delaware County
Victim Services Unit works on a Victim Rights display outside the Commissioner Building
Wearing blue to raise awareness during Child Abuse Awareness and Prevention Month
Speaking with OWU students about human trafficking
Serving Our Seniors (S.O.S.) event in Westerville
Visiting with Westerville South students
Speaking with students in the Delaware Hayes Political Science Club
Presenting to the Buckeye State Sheriff’s Association, Northwest District – topic: the prosecution of a sheriff
Visiting with Carlisle Elementary third-graders
Visiting with parents at Berkshire Middle School to talk about internet safety
February is Teen Dating Violence Awareness and Prevention Month.
Speaking at the Sunbury Galena Rotary Club meeting
Celebrating with family!
Prosecutor O’Brien is named as a Distinguished Alumnus of Maumee High School.
Wearing blue to recognize Human Trafficking
Awareness Day

Congratulations! Swearing in Steve Lewis, Oxford Township Trustee
Congratulations! Swearing in Ryan Rivers, Orange Township Trustee
Congratulations! Swearing in Suzette Hall, Thompson Township Trustee
Township Officials Training
Speaking with Westerville Central students about the law
Operation Street Smart
(Free program co-sponsored by the Prosecutor’s Office and Delaware City Schools, information on drug safety)
National Walk To School Day (Schultz Elementary)
Fun at the fair
Fun at the fair
Fun at the fair
Fun at the fair
Speaking at the opening ceremony of the 2017 Delaware County Fair
Speaking to Buckeye Valley students about careers
Congratulations to Delaware Police Detective Mike Bolen on your recognition as a “Top Cop.” We appreciate you!
Attending the Cops-N-Kids event in Westerville
Attending the Cops-N-Kids event in Westerville
Attending the Fallen Heroes Memorial event in Sunbury
Presenting at a juvenile court training session
Partnering with law enforcement to educate the community during the “Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over” event
Attending Powell’s Mystery Night Out Event
Wearing green to support child support initiatives
First Assistant Kyle Rohrer helps students pick out supplies at the Supplies for Scholars event
Our table at the Berlin Touch-A-Truck event
Congratulations to Delaware Police Detective Dan Maden on your recognition as a “Top Cop.” We appreciate you!
Speaking to senior citizens at a self defense class co-sponsored with the Delaware Police Department
Senior citizen self defense class
Wearing purple to recognize World Elder Abuse Awareness Day
Ostrander Touch-A-Truck
Prosecutor O’Brien and others toured Delaware’s newest resource, the Unity House to serve as a sober house and re-entry house for women
As Fellows of the Ohio State Bar Foundation, Prosecutor O’Brien and APA Kate Munger present to Lexington HS students (the law and how it applies in real life).
Speaking to Big Walnut students before their prom about safety
Attending a check presentation event for the Turning Point domestic violence shelter coming to Delaware
Prosecutor O’Brien visits with Jordyn, a Delaware Hayes student interested in becoming a prosecutor. Welcome, Jordyn!
Wearing blue to raise awareness about child abuse prevention
Setting up display to honor victims during Victim Rights Week
Congratulations to Caseworker Michelle Leighty on your recognition as a “Top Cop.” We appreciate you!
Visiting Westerville South
Wearing orange to highlight February as National Teen Dating Violence Awareness and Prevention Month
Speaking to Berkshire Middle School parents about cyber security and their children
January is Human Trafficking Awareness Month
Wearing blue in support of Law Enforcement Appreciation Day
Delaware County Commissioners honor Carol O’Brien on her recognition as Prosecutor of the Year

Speaking at Delaware Hayes
Speaking with Olentangy Area Senior Citizens at their monthly meeting at Panera
Cake and plaque for Ohio Prosecutor of the Year recognition
Named Ohio Prosecutor of the Year by OPAA
Speaking at Delaware Hayes
Prosecutor O’Brien is appointed by Gov. Kasich to the Ohio Organized Crime Investigations Commission
Congratulations to DCSO Detective Christy Burke on your recognition as a “Top Cop.” We appreciate you!
First Assistant Prosecutor Kyle Rohrer hands out candy at the Mingo Park Trunk-Or-Treat event.
Guest judging at DACC – Students decorated classroom doors with an anti-drug message for Red Ribbon Week.
Powell’s Candy by the Carload
Powell’s Candy by the Carload Event – Special thanks to Snow White for attending with us!!!
Powell’s Candy by the Carload
Powell’s Candy by the Carload
Powell’s Candy by the Carload
Meeting Brynn – Brynn entered our Victim Services coloring contest and won! Here, she is picking up her prizes and certificate of recognition. Way to go Brynn!
Visiting with students at Westerville North High School
Visiting with students and School Resource Officer Graham at Westerville Central
Celebrating early voting at the Board of Elections
Celebrating early voting at the Board of Elections
Dash at Dusk 5k
START! *Event raises awareness about domestic violence. Funds raised benefit Turning Point as they work to open a domestic violence shelter in Delaware.
Dash at Dusk 5k
Prosecutor O’Brien leads the way (in this group, anyway)!
Dash at Dusk 5K
Break the silence about domestic violence!
Dash at Dusk 5K
Family of Terri Lee Rings. Thank you for sharing your story in an effort to raise awareness.
Dash at Dusk 5K
Sponsor board and picture of Terri Lee Rings. Terri, a Delaware County resident, was lost to domestic violence in 2015. The event was in her honor.
Dash at Dusk 5K
Everyone can join. Look at this Mommy/Baby finish!
Having fun at WDLR promoting the upcoming Dash at Dusk 5K to raise awareness about domestic violence
Meeting Bryanna – Bryanna entered our Victim Services coloring contest and won! Here, she is picking up her prizes and certificate of recognition. Way to go Bryanna!
Good to meet you! OSP Trooper Dave Overholt stopped by to introduce himself on his second day on the job! Welcome!
Wearing purple to recognize October as Domestic Violence Awareness Month
Interview with Delaware Gazette reporter Glenn Battishill regarding the upcoming Dash at Dusk 5K to raise awareness about domestic violence
Visiting with students at Olentangy Liberty High School
Radio interview at the iHeartRADIO studios discussing domestic violence
Delaware County Fair
Delaware County Fair
Delaware County Fair
Joining local law enforcement agencies to donate money to Turning Point for Delaware’s first domestic violence shelter
Signing check with other local law enforcement agencies to help fund Delaware’s first domestic violence shelter
Ceremony at Westerville’s Cops-N-Kids event to remember victims of 9-11
Cops-N-Kids event in Westerville
Congratulations to DCSO SRO Dan Yarnell on your recognition as a “Top Cop.” We appreciate you!
Supplies for Scholars
Supplies for Scholars
Supplies for Scholars event through United Way of Delaware
Speaking with ESL (English as a second language) students at Orange Library about the law in America
Visiting KinderCare in Lewis Center
July 4 Parade in Delaware
July 4 Parade in Delaware
Making friends at the Touch-A-Truck event in Ostrander
Prosecutor O’Brien and her Special Olympics athletes
Congratulations to Logan County Detective Tom Watson on your recognition as a “Top Cop.” We appreciate you!
Victim Services Unit at statewide victim conference in downtown Columbus
Seat Belt Safety – Click It or Ticket Campaign
General Rosecrans Elementary School Visit
Carlisle Elementary School Visit
Wearing blue for National Police Week
National Police Week – THANK YOU FOR ALL YOU DO!
Schultz Elementary School Visit
Visiting with students at Ventures Academy
Promoting Walk-A-Mile-In-Her-Shoes on WDLR 1550 AM
Taking part in the 8th annual Walk-A-Mile-In-Her-Shoes event to raise awareness about sexualized violence toward women
Speaking to the congregation of the Harlem Road United Methodist Church about child abuse
Congratulations to DCSO Detective Jason Campbell on your recognition as a “Top Cop.” We appreciate you!
Wearing blue to raise awareness about child abuse
Celebrating with Assistant Prosecutors Doug Dumolt and Jennifer Rausch on their Model Of Justice Award recognition
Chatting with Channel 10
Delivering Meals On Wheels
3.24.16 Visiting OWU
Speaking to students about human trafficking
Visiting Westerville South – Speaking to a law class
Wearing orange to raise awareness about teen dating violence. February is Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month.
Visiting Big Walnut – Speaking to parents and students about social media responsibility
Visiting Westerville Central – Speaking to students about the law and recent cases
Speaking with media after former teacher, Matthew Rausenberg, is sentenced to 106 years to life in prison
Addressing the court during the State vs Matthew Rausenberg case (former teacher who a jury found guilty of sexually abusing his students)
At Berkshire Middle School visiting with parents and talking about social media safety
Wearing Blue for “Law Enforcement Appreciation Day”

Attending the retirement of DPD K-9 Sgt. Argo. Job well done, Argo!
Receiving the YMCA “Mission Award”
(honoring a person who demonstrates the four core values of the YMCA: caring, respect, honesty and responsibility)
Doing mock interviews with Olentangy Orange High School students
Congratulations Jahan Karamali on passing the bar and being sworn in by Prosecutor O’Brien
Prosecutor O’Brien recognizes two DACC students who acted as first responders at three accident scenes. Way to go Ryan Gross and Jacob Robinson! Keep up the good work!
Congratulations to Genoa Township Police Officer Jim Denman on your recognition as a “Top Cop.” We appreciate you!
11.15.15 2015
Township Training
Presenting at the 2015 Township Training
High School student Janaia visits to learn about the office — Welcome Janaia!
Prosecutor O’Brien along with Julie Krupp of Drug-Free Delaware and Chief Deputy Pat Yankie judge red ribbon doors made by DACC students.
Congratulations to Powell Police Detective Ryan Pentz on your recognition as a “Top Cop.” We appreciate you!
Congratulations to Columbus Police Detective Aaron Dennis on your recognition as a “Top Cop.” We appreciate you!
Wearing purple in honor of October being “National Domestic Violence Awareness” month
Registering for the 4th annual Dash At Dusk, a 5K to raise awareness about domestic violence in our community
“Dashing” at Dash at Dusk
First Assistant Prosecutor, Kyle Rohrer presents 7-year-old Addison with a certificate and prizes for winning our Delaware County Fair coloring contest. Way to go, Addison!
Prosecutor O’Brien and Sheriff Martin attend a community meeting to discuss marijuana on the ballot
Speaking to students at Olentangy Liberty High School
Speaking to students at Westerville Central High School
2015 Delaware County Fair
2015 Delaware County Fair
2015 Delaware County Fair
2015 Delaware County Fair
Cops-n-Kids event in Westerville
Cops-n-Kids event in Westerville
OWU Student Service Fair
Congratulations to Investigator Barry Walton on your recognition as a “Top Cop.” – We appreciate you!
At Joe’s Towing for the “Drive Sober Or Get Pulled Over” event
Now you see her…
Now you don’t! First Friday fun in the dunk tank to benefit D.A.R.E.
Wearing green for “child support awareness month”
Ready to solve mysteries at Powell’s “mystery night out” event
Touch A Truck event, presented by Berlin Township Fire Department and Delaware County EMS
Touch A Truck event, presented by Berlin Township Fire Department and Delaware County EMS
“Supplies for Scholars” event
Helping out at the second annual “Supplies for Scholars” – school supply drive at Woodward Elementary
Maurice Clarett visits Delaware to tell his story and share how bad decisions do not have to define your life. His presentation was co-sponsored by the Delaware Police and Prosecutor Carol O’Brien.
Helping put crisis hotline stickers on bars of soap to be delivered to local hotels/motels (part of the Delaware County Against Human Trafficking Coalition’s initiative to help victims)
Speaking at the S.O.A.P. event (Saving Our Adolescents from Prostitution)
Olentangy Liberty High School student, Mohit, visits with Prosecutor O’Brien to learn about government and politics
Presenting at a mature driver event at SourcePoint, sponsored by AAA
July 4 Parade in Delaware
July 4 Parade in Delaware
July 4 Parade in Delaware
Congratulations to Delaware Police Officer Rita Mendel on your recognition as a “Top Cop.” – We appreciate you!
Prosecutor O’Brien speaks with members of the Polaris/Lewis Center Rotary
First Assistant Prosecutor Kyle Rohrer visits with third grade students at Carlisle Elementary School
Proud to be a part of this year’s “Click It Or Ticket” – “Click It To Live” campaign and press conference
Prosecutor O’Brien – “I Click It To Live!”
Visiting 3rd grade students at Schultz Elementary Schoo
Visiting with students at Olentangy Liberty High School
Prosecutor O’Brien served as a keynote speaker at the statewide Career-Based Intervention conference in Dublin, OH
More than 100 registered walkers took part in the Walk A Mile In Her Shoes event, including Prosecutor O’Brien’s husband and son, pictured above
Congratulations to Delaware County Sheriff’s Deputies Kyle Griffith and Andrew Lee on your recognition as “Top Cops.” – We appreciate you!
Prosecutor O’Brien and DACC South Campus students in the law enforcement program
Speaking to DACC South Campus students (pre-prom safety)
Visiting with DACC North Campus students, School Resource Officer Dan Yarnell and Dean of Students Chad Williams (spoke to students before prom about safety)
Prosecutor O’Brien attends a Westerville City Council meeting to invite the Westerville community to the upcoming Walk A Mile In Her Shoes
Reading a proclamation before the Delaware County Commissioners about Victims’ Rights Week in Delaware County, invited commissioners to Walk A Mile In Her Shoes
Speaking with juniors and seniors at Delaware Hayes High School
Prosecutor O’Brien and Detective Campbell at an arraignment hearing
Enjoying a performance by the US Army Field Band, which includes Prosecutor O’Brien’s stepson, Sean
Talking about scams at the “Serving Our Seniors” event organized by Westerville Police
Talking with media
Delivering Meals On Wheels
Volunteers preparing to deliver Meals On Wheels
peaking with members of the Men’s Club at the Westerville Community United Church of Christ
3.12.15 Serving as a panelist with other local leaders during a Leadership Delaware session
Leadership Delaware
Delivering lunches to the Sheriff’s Office as part of a Meals On Wheels fundraiser
Prosecutor O’Brien and Clerk Laura Slider prepare office donations for human trafficking victims…Together we can make a difference!
Congratulations to Delaware County Sheriff’s Deputy Jim Miller on your recognition as a “Top Cop.” – We appreciate you!
Presenting a check to Willis Intermediate students for the DARE program
Wearing orange to raise awareness about teen dating violence (February is Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month.)
For more information: loveisrespect.org
2.6.15: Wearing red to raise awareness about heart disease and stroke
Feb. 6, 2015: National Wear Red Day
Welcome OU students, Carley and Olivia! The duo interviewed Prosecutor O’Brian for WOUB on the topic of special prosecution cases.
Speaking with Westerville Central students
At a press conference in Powell to answer questions about two arrests made at Ohio massage parlors and resulting charges
Wearing blue in honor of National Law Enforcement Appreciation Day – Thank you for all you do!
Prosecutor O’Brien with Genoa Township Administrator Paul Wise

Congratulations to Delaware County Sheriff’s Deputy Mark Kern on your recognition as a “Top Cop.” – We appreciate you!
Visiting an Olentangy Liberty High School classroom
Welcoming attendees to a Sunshine Laws and Ethics Training seminar
Holiday Parade
Safe And Sober presentation
Safe And Sober display – honoring those we have lost and reminding us to focus on driving this holiday season
Congratulations Joe Varvel on passing the bar and being sworn in by Prosecutor O’Brien
Speaking with members of the Powell Citizens Police Academy – sharing information on the work done in the Prosecutor’s Office
Prosecutor O’Brien was a special guest on Delaware City Digest, a live radio show on Delaware’s own 1550 AM
Prosecutor O’Brien was a special guest on Delaware City Digest, a live radio show on Delaware’s own 1550 AM
Speaking with seniors at the first-ever “Seniors At The Strand” event, organized by the Ohio Senior Citizens group
Attending the Delaware Hayes High School Veterans Day presentation – Thank You Veterans!
Prosecutor O’Brien chats with ITN director Stuart before a taped interview on the Ali Salim case (show to air June 2015 – investigations Discovery series)
Prosecutor O’Brien and First Assistant Prosecutor, Kyle Rohrer walk the Dash At Dusk, a 5K to raise awareness about domestic violence
Candy By The Carload, Powell
Candy By The Carload, Powell
Being goofy and serious at the Red Ribbon Event to say “NO” to drugs
Prosecutor O’Brien and Sheriff Martin act as grill masters at the United Way tailgate luncheon
Visiting a Westerville Central government class
Wearing purple to recognize October as Domestic Violence Awareness Month
Presenting 5-year-old Audrey with her certificate for winning our coloring contest at the Delaware County Fair
Speaking to senior citizens at Willow Brook
A Junior Deputy stops by to learn about internet safety at the 2014 Delaware County Fair
Jug Day at the 2014 Delaware County Fair
Visiting with friends at the 2014 Delaware County Fair
Prosecutor O’Brien demonstrates a defensive technique during a senior citizen self-defense course – sponsored by the Prosecutor’s Office, The Delaware Police Department and The Council For Older Adults
Senior Citizen Self-Defense Class co-sponsored by: The Delaware County Prosecutor’s Office, The Delaware CIty Police Department and The Council For Older Adults
Senior Citizen Self-Defense Class co-sponsored by: The Delaware County Prosecutor’s Office, The Delaware CIty Police Department and The Council For Older Adults
Cops-N-Kids event in Westerville
Cops-N-Kids event in Westerville
Prosecutor O’Brien and Assistant Prosecutor Doug Dumolt present “How To Prepare The Juvenile Witness Or Victim” during a training session for the Ohio Prosecuting Attorneys Association
Congratulations to Powell Police Detective Darren Smith on your recognition as a “Top Cop.” – We appreciate you!
Attending a “Drive Sober Or Get Pulled Over” Campaign media event
Having a great time at “Mystery Night Out” in Powell
What a good (and soggy) sport! Prosecutor O’Brien has fun in the dunk tank at “Picnic With the Cops,” – a first Friday event. Each dunk benefits the Citizen’s Police Academy.
Prosecutor O’Brien meets with Sean Justice, a student majoring in Forensic Psychology at the University of Tiffin
Genoa Township Town Hall Meeting (speaking to community members about social media and youth)
Congratulations to Westerville Police Corporal Greg LeValley on your recognition as a “Top Cop.” – We appreciate you!
Our new friend J.S. Smithhissler – We met J.S. at the Columbus State Community College Delaware Campus Veteran event – Thank you for your service!
2014 Memorial Day Parade in Powell
2014 Memorial Day Parade in Powell
2014 Memorial Day Parade in Powell
Stopping by to say “hello” – Welcome Amanda Sheterom! Amanda is the new Communications Manager for Orange Township
Prosecutor O’Brien teaches Carlisle 3rd graders the difference between felonies and misdemeanors during an office visit…What a fun group!
Visiting seniors at Willow Brook to discuss senior scams
Buckeye Valley sophomore, Allison, visits the office to shadow Prosecutor O’Brien
Fun at Schultz Elementary – 4th Grade Career Day
Fun at Schultz Elementary – 4th Grade Career Day
Presenting at the 2014 Ohio LEAP Conference (Law Enforcement Administrative Professionals)
Thanks to Buckeye Valley High School for inviting Prosecutor O’Brien to speak before prom
Welcome Andrew Bigler – our newest prosecuting attorney in the criminal division
Welcome Andrew Bigler – our newest prosecuting attorney in the criminal division
Prosecutor O’Brien is recognized as a 2014 Model Of Justice by the Justice League Of Ohio
Proud to recognize April as Child Abuse Prevention Month by wearing blue to work
Prosecutor O’Brien holds the official proclamation by the County Commissioners recognizing Victims’ Rights Week in Delaware County
Megan Powell and Trish Wright of the Victim Services Unit assemble the display for Victims’ Rights Week
Prosecutor O’Brien speaks to students at Westerville North High School
Welcome Andrew King – our newest prosecuting attorney in the civil division
Family Traditions Night – The Prosecutor’s Office represented Thailand and taught children about a big buffet set out just for monkeys each year!
Family Traditions Night – Each child made their very own monkey to take home!
Fun at Woodward Elementary’s Family Traditions Night – Children received a “passport” and visited various countries (or booths) learning about different cultures
Meals On Wheels – Packing up all the food for a Meals On Wheels delivery route—smells good!
Meals On Wheels – Prosecutor O’Brien and other elected officials gathered at the Council for Older Adults to help out with the Meals On Wheels Program
Meals On Wheels – Ready to go!
Great questions this morning – Thank you Mr. Heeren and Westerville Central students for inviting us to class!
Prosecutor O’Brien and several other Ohio State Bar Foundation Fellows visited the Carousel Works in Mansfield to mentor students who are “We The People State Champs” on their way to nationals in April.
From L to R: Jackie Brown and Trish Wright from Victim Services help pack up the office collection for human trafficking victims and turn it all over to Samantha Hudson from the Salvation Army
2.21.14 The “Fight Crime: Invest in Kids” initiative is backed by research that shows in order to reduce crime in adults, we must engage children early with a high quality education
Prosecutor O’Brien and State Representative Andrew Brenner teamed up to read to pre-school children at Delaware Christian Academy
2.7.14 National “Wear Red Day” to raise awareness about cardiovascular disease in women
1.31.14 Prosecutor O’Brien took part in the 31st annual Ohio High School Mock Trial Competition (Participating Schools: Village Academy, Marysville, Big Walnut, Worthington Kilbourne & Delaware Hayes High Schools)
1.31.14 OWU Sorority Kappa Kappa Gamma partners with Delaware Co. Prosecutor’s Office to collect supplies for victims of human trafficking
1.27.14 Donating funds to support STAND UP Leadership
1.22.14 Meeting fantastic students at the “OWU Service Fair”
1.17.14 First Assistant Prosecutor, Kyle Rohrer receives certificate of appreciation for serving as the 2013 Delaware County Criminal Justice Association President

12.27.13 Swearing in Oxford Township Trustee, Steve Lewis
12.27.13 Swearing in Orange Township Trustee, Robert Quigley
12.27.13 Swearing in Thompson Township Trustee, David Hall
12.18.13 Supporting Olentangy Orange High School Student Mikaela (second from left) during her final school presentation on her internship with our office. Way to go, Mikaela!
12.17.13 Presenting stuffed animals (on behalf of the Delaware County Coalition Of Victim Services) to law enforcement to honor and remember Det. Dan Otto
12.11.13 Congratulations to Detective Rusty Yates, a “Top Cop” from the Delaware County Sheriff’s Office – We appreciate you!
12.3.13 Collecting holiday gifts for PIN (People In Need) and the Common Ground Free Store
11.24.13 Happy Holidays — at the 2013 Holiday Parade
11.22.13 Kicking off the ‘Tis The Season To Drive Sober’ campaign
11.19.13 Congratulations Amelia Bean-DeFlumer on being sworn in as a Delaware County Assisting Prosecuting Attorney
11.17.13 Prosecutor O’Brien discussed the legality of firearms at a conceal carry class.
11.16.13 First Assistant Prosecutor, Kyle Rohrer presents at the 2013 Township Training
11.16.13 Carol O’Brien presents at the 2013 Township Training
11.6.13 Congratulations David Moser on passing the bar and being sworn in as a Delaware County Assisting Prosecuting Attorney
11.21.13 Thank you Carlisle Elementary School for inviting us to your 3rd Grade Spotlight on Leadership!
11-13-13 Prosecutor O’Brien presenting at the Council for Older Adults caregiver luncheon
10.27.13 Dash at Dusk 5K for domestic violence awareness
10.27.13 Ready to Dash!
10.27.13 Prosecutor O’Brien registering for the Dash at Dusk 5K for domestic violence awareness and to raise funds for local victims
10.23.13 Wearing purple in observance of Domestic Violence Month
10.19.13 Visiting a Westerville Central law class
10.9.13 Congratulations to Detective David McQuigg, a “Top Cop” from the Delaware City Police Department We appreciate you!
10.7.13 Prosecutor O’Brien visits with Teagan II at CCI. Canine Companions for Independence is a local non profit that provides service dogs to people with disabilities. Thanks CCI, for the tour and all your good work!
9.25.13 Prosecutor O’Brien speaks to the Delaware County Coalition of Juvenile Court Attorneys regarding social media issues and young people
9.8.13 Cops-N-Kids event in Westerville (a mom taking a pic of her baby as Lady Justice)
9.8.13 Cops-N-Kids event in Westerville (kids becoming Captain Justice and Lady Justice)
9.8.13 Cops-N-Kids event in Westerville (Prosecutor O’Brien meeting parents and children)
9.28.13 All smiles at the 6th Annual Community Unity Festival. Thanks to the Second Ward Community Initiative for the invite!
9-4-13 Thank you OWU for inviting the Prosecutor’s Office to the service fair on campus
8.17.13 Getting ready to battle – The Battle of the Bags is a cornhole tournament to benefit Special Olympics
8.14.13 Congratulations to Detective Tim Ray, a “Top Cop” from the Westerville Police Department. We appreciate you!
8.7.13 Thank you to WMVO radio in Knox County for doing a live, on-air (over speakerphone) radio interview with Prosecutor O’Brien about her work in Delaware County and her work as a Special Olympics mentor
7.10.13 Giving blood at the Guns-N-Hoses blood drive
7.4.13 Delaware City July 4 Parade
7.22.13 Prosecutor O’Brien speaks with Olentangy seniors at a local Panera
7.8.13 Steve Ballard is officially sworn in as a Delaware County Assistant Prosecuting Attorney
6.29.13 Coach O’Brien and the Delaware Gymnastics Special Olympics Team are all smiles on competition day
6.29.13 The competition is heating up as Coach O’Brien offers direction to athletes
6.29.13 Way to go!
6.5.13 Ohio Supreme Court Chief Justice Maureen O’Connor, Justice Judith A. Lanzinger, and OSBF President Tom Lammers with Prosecutor Carol O’Brien as she is inducted as a Fellow of the Ohio State Bar Foundation
6.12.13 Congratulations to Detective Kevin Ullom, a “Top Cop” from the Delaware County Sheriff’s Office. We appreciate you!
5.23.13 Coach O’Brien instructs an eager student practicing gymnastics for the Special Olympics
5.21.13 A big thank you to Robert F. Schultz Elementary School for inviting the Delaware County Prosecutor’s Office to Career Day
5.21.13 Assistant Prosecuting Attorney, Kate Munger and First Assistant Prosecutor, Kyle Rohrer at the Schultz Elementary Career Day
5.21.13 More Career Day fun at Schultz Elementary
5-29-13 Village Academy students Jackie (left) and Allie (right) presented their anti-bullying senior project to Prosecutor O’Brien and Powell Police Detective Ryan Pentz
4.27.13 Prosecutor O’Brien and First Assistant Prosecutor, Kyle Rohrer, take part in the 5th annual Walk A Mile event to raise awareness for sexualized violence toward women
4.27.13 Walk A Mile In Her Shoes
4.27.13 Walk A Mile In Her Shoes
4.16.13 Village Academy students learn about internet safety during a special visit from Prosecutor O’Brien
4.16.13 Village Academy students learn about internet safety during a special visit from Prosecutor O’Brien
4.16.13 Village Academy students learn about internet safety during a special visit from Prosecutor O’Brien
4.3.13 Westerville Central High School juniors and seniors learned about the dangers and legalities of using social media during a special visit from Prosecutor O’Brien
4.3.13 Westerville Central High School juniors and seniors learned about the dangers and legalities of using social media during a special visit from Prosecutor O’Brien
4.10.13 Prosecutor O’Brien and staff wear blue to show support for April being National Child Abuse Prevention Month
3.16.13 Prosecutor O’Brien welcomed high schoolers from around Delaware County to a STAND UP leadership weekend aimed at promoting positive decision-making
3.14.13 Prosecutor O’Brien chats with seniors about staying safe when it comes to scams during an OhioSeniorCitizens.com event
2.26.13 Prosecutor O’Brien talks about the intricacies of public records during an ethics training
2-1-13 Prosecutor O’Brien and staff wear red for women’s heart health
2-1-13 Prosecutor O’Brien listens intently as area high schoolers participate in a mock trial
1-22-13 Prosecutor O’Brien donates a check to STAND, a student group aimed at promoting positive choices
Prosecutor O’Brien speaks to Leadership Delaware during the law enforcement panel discussion
Prosecutor O’Brien speaking to a group of Girl Scouts

11.19.11 Prosecutor O’Brien speaks with Genoa Township Trustee Barbara Lewis
11.19.11 Prosecutor O’Brien speaks with guest presenter Delaware County Auditor George Kaitsa
11.19.11 Prosecutor O’Brien and her Civil Division present the 2011 Delaware County Township Officials Training
11.19.11 Prosecutor O’Brien and her Civil Division present the 2011 Delaware County Township Officials Training
10.18.11 (L to R) Merianne Ward, President-DCPAAA, Heidi Kegley, Principal-Willis Intermediate School, DPD Officer Nick Strasser-Willis SRO, Carol O’Brien
10.7.11 Walk to School Day at Woodward Elementary School.
10.7.11 Walk to School Day at Woodward Elementary School.
9.15.11 Prosecutor O’Brien along with Representative Bacon, Attorney General Mike DeWine, and Ross County Prosecutor Matthew Schmidt address new cyber fraud investigation legislation
9.15.11 Attorney General Mike DeWine, Representative Bacon, Prosecutor O’Brien and Ross County Prosecutor Matthew Schmidt address new cyber fraud investigation legislation
8.19.11 Prosecutor O’Brien along with multiple Delaware County law enforcement leaders kick off “Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over” safety campaign
8.19.11 Prosecutor O’Brien along with multiple Delaware County law enforcement leaders kick off “Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over” safety campaign
8.19.11 Prosecutor O’Brien along with multiple Delaware County law enforcement leaders kick off “Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over” safety campaign
8.19.11 Prosecutor O’Brien along with multiple Delaware County law enforcement leaders kick off “Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over” safety campaign
4.11.11 Victim Services Unit Director Trish Wright, Prosecutor O’Brien, and Delaware County Commissioner Board President Dennis Stapleton after proclaiming April 10-16 Victims’ Rights Week in Delaware County
4.11.11 Prosecutor O’Brien talks to the Delaware County Board of Commissioners about Victims’ Rights Week
Prosecutor O’Brien during a ride along with the Delaware County Sheriff’s Office
3.23.11 Meals on Wheels volunteer Ron Wallace and Prosecutor O’Brien
3.23.11 Meals on Wheels volunteer Ron Wallace and Prosecutor O’Brien deliver a meal to a client
3.23.11 Delaware County Council for Older Adults March for Meals event participants (L to R) Berlin Township Trustee Phil Panzarella, Prosecutor O’Brien, Shawnee Hills Mayor Patrick Monahan
2.4.11 – Prosecutor O’Brien goes red on National Wear Red Day for women’s heart health awareness